
Workforce.MHQMeasure the Mental Wellbeing of your Workforce so that you can manage it more strategically and effectively for better engagement, productivity and retention.

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How burned out is your workforce?

How resilient are they?

How is their drive and motivation?

What are key risk areas?

Are your wellness programs moving the needle?




  • A comprehensive assessment of mental functioning that takes only 12 mins.
  • A tailored report on their mental wellbeing on completion of the assessment promoting high completion rates.
  • Privacy safeguards/guaranteed anonymity of the employee to promote honest answers.


A Mental State of the Company Report that includes

  • Measurable mental wellbeing metrics benchmarked to the global or national population and segmented by demographics, job roles and locations.
  • Insights into key life and workplace drivers of mental wellbeing risks for each workforce segment.
  • A neutral/unbiased report that is not tied to any paid intervention platform.

THE WORKFORCE.MHQ: A Comprehensive Whole Person Assessment of Mental Wellbeing

Aggregate Mental Wellbeing Score

  • Mental Health Quotient (MHQ)

Dimensional Scores

  • Mood and Outlook
  • Core Cognition
  • Drive and Motivation
  • Complex Cognition
  • Social Self
  • Mind-Body Connection

Workplace Indices

  • Burnout Index
  • Resilience Index

Key Drivers of Mental Wellbeing Challenges

  • Lifestyle Risks
  • Workplace Risks
  • Attitude and Belief Risks

Learn the science behind the MHQ

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    Illustrative Case Studies

    Get a deeper view into the type of insights and opportunities that you can get from the workforceMHQ.

    Case Study #1: Understanding usage and impact of the EAP

    Background: A large public company had invested substantially into a wellness program and benefits. However, uptake of benefits was low. They turned to Sapien Labs to help them get a deeper understanding of who was using the program and how

    The Challenge: Using the WorkforceMHQ, the company found that the usage of EAP benefits was disproportionately by people who were thriving. In this case, the benefits were a nice to have for people doing well but not moving the needle on mental wellbeing overall.

    The Solution: A deeper analysis of the data from the WorkforceMHQ revealed the specific issues the at-risk group was struggling with and therefore which elements of their EAP and benefits would be most relevant.

    The Results: The company was able to identify the most relevant elements of their EAP and benefits program and craft new messaging. A subsequent follow-up will reveal to them if their efforts were successful, also helping them negotiate the renewal of their EAP.

    Case Study #2: Tackling stressors of frontline workers

    Background: A large retail chain was facing a problem with absenteeism and attrition in its frontline, customer-facing workers. The retailer turned to Sapien Labs and the WorkforceMHQ to help uncover the drivers behind this problem.

    The Challenge: Using the WorkforceMHQ, the company was shocked to discover a huge disparity in the mental wellbeing of its frontline workforce. This cohort had more positive view of their work than expected but also faced more lifetime traumas and adversity relative to the management groups as well as specific ongoing challenges.

    The Solution: A deeper dive into the data from the WorkforceMHQ revealed that a few key aspects, such as child and elder care, were the major challenges and sources of mental stress for frontline workers.

    The Results: The company is currently engaged in active discussion over whether creative investment in benefits could have a substantial impact on absenteeism, attrition, and productivity.

    Case Study #3: Disparities in Locations

    Background: Despite having very similar employee profiles in its 2 office locations, a mid-sized IT company was faced with the challenge of different levels of production, retention and morale between the 2 locations. The CEO turn to Sapien Labs and the WorkforceMHQ to understand the underlying factors driving this disparity.

    The Challenge: Using the WorkforceMHQ, the company found that employees at Location B had significantly lower mental wellbeing score than Location A, and lower scores on drive and motivation and mood and outlook.

    The Solution: A deeper analysis of the workforce-specific data in the assessment showed that employees in Location B felt that they had less flexibility and control and less pride in their work – both key drivers of mental wellbeing.

    The Results: The company is working to shift the culture in Location B by creating more opportunities for interaction between the two office locations, offering joint training and additional opportunities for professional development, and providing more intentional mentorship to the head of Location B.

    Learn about Global Trends in 2020

    Read the report to gain insights into

    • The Aggregate Mental State of the English-Speaking World
    • The Mental Wellbeing of Countries
    • Age and Mental Wellbeing
    • Gender and Mental Wellbeing
    • Lifestyle Factors that Impact Mental Wellbeing
    • The Mental Cost of the Covid-19 Pandemic

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